
Pre-Appointment Policies

  • Clients are required to refrain from consumption of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and blood thinners 24 hours prior to the appointment. Consumption of these substances can impact the healed result of the service and lessen the expected longevity of the service.

  • Clients are required to refrain from any usage of Botox, Injections in the face, RetinA and all derivatives of the chemical, as well as any AHA products for a MINIMUM of 2 weeks prior to the appointment. 

  • Clients who are currently pregnant or nursing will not be serviced with no exceptions. 

  • Violations of these policies and the consequences thereof will be at the fault of the client, and any additional touch-ups needed will be an additional fee of $150 per appointment. 

Initial Appointment Policies

  • A $100 non-refundable deposit is required for each new service appointment made! This deposit is deducted from the total service quote and the remainder of the balance is paid at the time of the appointment. 

  • Deposits will not be refunded under any circumstances.

  • Appointments may be rescheduled for free as long as it is done at least 48 hours in advance to the scheduled appointment!

  • Any rescheduling or cancellations done less than 48 hours to the scheduled appointment will result in a FORFEIT of the $100 deposit. A new $100 deposit will be required in order to reschedule.

  • Appointments can be rescheduled up to a maximum of 3 times. After the 3rd time of rescheduling, the $100 deposit will be forfeited, and a new one will be required in order to reschedule.

  • All rescheduling can be done via the confirmation email received after booking the initial appointment.

Touch-Up Appointment Policies

  • All service packages do include 1 touchup, unless stated otherwise. Scheduling of the included touch-up will occur during the initial appointment.

  • Rescheduling touch-ups may be done for free as long as it is done at least 48 hours in advance to the scheduled appointment.

  • A $100 fee will be required in order to reschedule any touch-ups that have been rescheduled less than 48 hours prior to the original scheduled touch-up.